Dr James D’Adamo’s initial observations of individuals under naturopathic inpatient treatment showed that certain kinds of people improved on different types of diet. The principles behind the observations of James D’Adamo were researched by Peter D’Adamo, resulting in the basic theory determining the selection of foods according to blood group. This has been comprehensively illustrated in the series of books, starting with Eat Right 4 Your Type (ER4YT), which lists foods according to their status: beneficial; neutral or avoid.
Each of the four blood types, which develop at separate times in human evolution, exhibit biochemical differences. Type O, the oldest and most common blood type, has no true antigens (chemical markers that incite antibody production, the reason why people die when given a blood transfusion which is not compatible with their own blood. The next oldest, Type A, first appeared in Asia or the Middle East between 25,000 and 15,000 BC as an evolutionary response to the rise of densely populated agrarian communities. The Type A antigen causes antibody reactions in Type O and Type B, the third blood type.
The Type B antigen appeared between 10,000 and 15,000 BC among nomads in the Himalayan highlands. The most recent and least common, Type AB, has the antigens of Types A and B, combining many of the characteristics of the two.
The Protein Diet vs Blood Type (Atkins)
The protein diet is one that suggests that a low-carbohydrate, high protein diet is the way to lose weight and keep it off. It also suggests that it is the only way to regulate weight, cholesterol and be healthy. This diet has had its spectacular successes and its adherents. There are people for whom it does not work. The ‘O’ type would benefit from high protein diet (Carbohydate:Protein:Fat in the ratio of 40:40:20.). However all the other blood types would not benefit from this. I actually had a patient who experienced his cholesterol and triglycerides getting worse on this diet years ago.
The 30% Carbo, 40%Protein,30%Fat Diet versus Blood Type (Zone Diet)
This diet which basically revolved around carbohydrate intolerance focused on keeping the Carbohydate:Protein:Fat in the ratio of 30:40:30. This diet works spectacularly for those who have problems regulating their blood sugar levels. It also has its fair share of success. Many people with insulin and blood sugar problems have benefited from it.
Again the ‘O’ type would benefit from this program. (Carbohydate:Protein:Fat in the ratio of 40:40:20.). The other blood types would not benefit as much. The A (Carbo70%) and AB (Carbo 60%) types in particular would have a hard time adjusting to this programme.
The Vegetarian Diet versus Blood Type
The vegetarian diet has two major variations. The raw food proponents who are those who basically juice and eat their salads raw. Then there are vegetarians who eat cooked vegetables. Under this category there are lacto vegetarians (those who drink milk and vegetables), lacto-ovo vegetarians (drink milk and eat eggs and vegetables). You rarely see a fat raw vegetarian. There are however cooked food vegetarians who are overweight.
The ‘A’ type would benefit from being vegetarian. The other blood types would not be as comfortable. If a “O” type attempted a vegetarian diet, they would experience accelerated ageing. One of my very good friends, an “O” type insists on being vegetarian for religious reasons. His skin is beginning to age very rapidly. I once had a patient who was a marathon runner. She was a long term vegetarian despite being an “O” type. Eventually she developed an Achilles tendon injury that would not heal. She was persuaded to eat meat. After a few days of this diet, the injury healed really well. She found herself ravenous for meat.
The Macrobiotic Diet versus Blood Type
We have the macrobiotic diet with its emphasis on cooked grains, and vegetables and modest portions of fish and other meats. The “A”, ‘B’ and “AB” type would benefit from doing this.. If a “O” type attempted it, they would be undernourished and lethargic.
Having had the opportunity to put more than 4,000 individuals on supervised diets, I have had the opportunity to observe that different individuals benefited from each of the different diets. There was no underlying rationale as to why a particular worked until the Blood Type Diet unified these ideas.
The Weight Loss Factor – there are no ‘one-size-fits-all’ diet (METABOLIC)
be well
Dr Sundardas